Thursday, April 14, 2011

Twitter V.S. Facebook

What features are common between Twitter and Facebook?

Facebook - Twitter

1) Post pictures - Twit pict 
2) Tag pictures - @name callout a person to tag
3) Status update - Tweets, in twitter apps like twitterific you can add your location to your tweets or pictures too
4) Private profiles - Closed updates approved by user
5)Facebook message - Direct message
6)Comments - Reply to tweets
7) Notification and feeds - Tweets
8) See a shared link and share the link - Retweet
9) Add link to feeds - Star favorite, you can also get back to your favorite tweets later

How was they different in terms of features?

Facebook - Twitter

1) When you visit – you can’t easily search other users status updates
2)Facebook is growing at 1 Million users/month with increased internal users.
Twitter has an organic growth with more companies joining it and experimenting with it.
3) Facebook sticks to the more traditional social networking where you maintain your profile while Twitter relies on its micro blogging feature
4) Twitter has been used by TV shows to get feedback from their audience while Facebook gets few mentions in the media here and there
5) Facebook is very popular but mainly in young people while Twitter has skyrocketed in popularity and is even used by famous people and politicians

Beside the web, how else can we access Twitter and Facebook?

Facebook and Twitter

1) Smart phones - iPhone, Blackberry, Android
2) Gadgets - iPod touch 

Why do you think Twitter and Facebook are popular? What are the main selling points? How are they exploited by businesses?


1) It's easy to use, no further explanation needed
2) Twitter keeps you in contact with all your 'friends' (followers/following) all the time 
3) You'll get to see what celebrities are doing without them accepting your "friend request"
4) Fast, they have million of users and yet, it doesn't lag
5) It's addictive


1) Upload unlimited amount of photographs - add tags, comments, like, etc.
2) Interact with your friends - through games, apps, write on each other's walls
3) Send 'gifts' - virtual gifts to brighten your friend's day!
4) You'll be updated - what's going on in your friend's life? 
5) User friendly :-)

What do you personally like about them?

I personally prefer Twitter, this is because I think that Facebook is kind of "old". It's just like when we were using Friendster and Facebook was created, everyone "moved over" to Facebook. Now that Twitter is created, it is a more "improved" version of Facebook.

In Twitter, you get to interact with almost everyone from friends in school to celebrities. Twitter's 140 character message limit was patterned after SMS length for mobile phones. Therefore, messages are intended to be concise, brief and free from anything that's not important. Just like those unwanted mafia or farm friend requests ubiquitous to Facebook -.- Also, you get quick responses from everyone and you get news very quickly. TWITTER!!!!

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