Thursday, September 22, 2011


What will happen to the world if there no more metals?

Metal plays an important role in our society because if we didn't have metal, we wouldn't be able to have the everyday living things we have today. For example, kettles to make tea and coffee, toasters to make toast, chairs so we can sit. 

Metal also plays a part in our body. Metals such as zinc and copper are needed by different tissues in our human body in order for it to function properly. 

Warm blooded animals such as mammals and birds need Iron. It plays an important component of haemoglobin in the blood of them. Cold blooded animals such as snakes and lizards has copper in their blood. 

Thus if there are no more metals, this world will be less developed.

Is it important to recycle metals?

It is extremely important to recycle metals. Something great about metals is that i can be used over and over again, it is very easy and cost effective! It requires much less time and energy to produce a useful item by recycling than to produce the metal from scratch. 

Thus what are the reasons to recycling metals? Isn't it easier to obtain metals through it's original from through extraction of metals?

The amount of metal present in the Earth's crust is not infinite. If we keep consuming, it will run out someday. It's good to save non-renewable things, it is far better to keep the recyclable things in one place than go around scavenging from them. 

In the recycling of metals, what are some of the effects it has on the environment?

Recycling metals helps the environment. Metals that are being recycled emit less energy than forging virgin metals. When producing virgin metals, it sends pollutant in to the air - example: dust and certain gases. Recycling metals gives of practically no pollutant when refined. 

In addition, the recycling of metals requires fewer materials for production, such as water.

Think of reactive ways that we can also play a part in recycling metals?

- Drink/use less (aluminum) drinking cans
- Put up more recycling bins
- Promote recycling (of metals)


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